Founder and CEO of Talents Awake


Creator of Leadership Alliances©, Léocadie Ebakissé supports the transformation of organizations and the development of the influence of leaders and managers through her two areas of expertise: executive coaching and hosting international events.

Léocadie Ebakissé - Speaker Talents awake

Born in Egypt to a Cameroonian father and a Gabonese mother, Léocadie grew up between Europe, Africa and America and discovered the richness of cultural differences. His travels and encounters lead him to build a plural identity in international and mixed environments, an identity that has always nourished his commitment.

Perfectly trilingual (French, English and Spanish), Léocadie began her career within a large real estate press group and quickly progressed through recruitment, career management, training, consulting and HR development missions. and facilitation. With 20 years of experience within large groups, in 2015 she founded Talents Awake, a consulting agency in transformation and development strategies. influence, within which she created the concept of Alliance Leadership®.

Léocadie is the author of the book The Energy of Ambition (to be published in 2024) and co-produces and hosts the shows Alter Ego© and Inspiring Entrepreneurs© which each question the notions of leadership, alliances and education.

Driven by a dynamic centered on Transformation and Transmission, Léocadie supports leaders and decision-makers in Europe and Africa, in leading and facilitating their strategic transformations/strong>. Certified Global Coach and creator of the TRIBE’S Method (Team – Reconnection – Inspiration – Behavior – Experience Emotion – Strategies), she advises corporate groups of the CAC40 as well as SMEs and international associative networks. Léocadie also teaches in universities and international campuses to raise awareness and support the young leaders of tomorrow.

Lecturer and the first black woman to receive the Professional Master of Ceremonies Label, Léocadie acts as an expert facilitator and moderator on business, corporate and institutional events,face-to-face or online. She leads round tables, debates and panels to allow decision-makers and organizations to put forward their projects and their vision, and thus to benefit as many people as possible. Through her interviews with personalities, she appropriates different environments and assimilates various practices, thus strengthening her expertise as a facilitator. Léocadie is particularly involved in events dedicated to the Diaspora, Entrepreneurship and Digital.

Keen to contribute to major impact projects in Africa, Léocadie is committed to supporting young entrepreneurs and African project leaders in their transformation and development. By sharing her experience, she wants to help them unlock their creative potential and connect them with the world, decision makers, entrepreneurs… By sharing her experience, she wants to help them unleash their creative potential and connect them with the world, by connecting them to leaders, decision-makers, entrepreneurs… who wish to invest in impactful projects. Léocadie thus works in relation with various actors who are committed to African development, locally and internationally.



African Entrepreneurial Mindset